$1 A Week
is kiwis together a registered nz charity?
Yes, we are registered with the NZ Charities Commission. We have dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s to ensure you can have confidence in us.
How many trustees are there?
Just two. We also complete all the work behind Kiwis Together - from marketing, administration, accounts etc. (We do of course have our fantastic accountant and lawyer for the tricky stuff however we do all that we can before outsourcing - just another way we get the most out of $1)
are the trustees on salaries?
No wages/salaries are being paid. Kiwis Together is about you not us. There is future provision for an average salary to be paid if the hours required replace a full time job so we can keep running Kiwis Together. However this will never come before opening applications to the public.
Is my donation anonymous?
Yes of course! However, your details to go into our data base for record keeping. These detail are not provided to anyone outside of Kiwis Together
Can I cancel my donation?
Absolutely, at any time! Just get in touch with us.
Do you support Kiwis living abroad?
Unfortunately, no. Applicants must be living in NZ and they must be a NZ citizen or permanent resident.
Are my credit card details safe?
Definitely. We use Stripe to collect donations - a well-known payment gateway keeping your card and personal details secure.
The application form doesn’t apply to me. Can I apply via email?
No sorry. We are governed by the conditions of our scope.
Are treatments, providers and suppliers limited to NZ?
No, we fund overseas treatments on a case-by-case basis.
Why are treatment or supply funds paid directly to the provider?
To ensure the funds are used as intended and to provide assurance that donations are making a direct difference.
Can I donate more than $1 a week
Yes, of course.
Do you employ staff to door knock, run fundraising stands or make unexpected phone calls?
No, this is part of our pledge to Kiwis. It is also another way of keeping costs ultra low.
Our business loves what Kiwis Together are doing. How can we support you?
If you are a business that would like to support us, please email business@kiwistogether.org.nz. We will show our appreciation for your support by advertising your business through our website and/or social media platforms.
Why do providers have to be a registered practitioner?
To ensure donations are going to a reputable source.
Will you be sending me email updates?
No, any contact information you supply us will not be used to send you marketing material, nor will it be provided to any third parties.
how do you determine who gets funding?
We can only fund what is within our governed scope (refer to What We Don’t Cover). We will always endeavour to help as many applicants as we can.