Meet Sienna


A beautiful 11-year-old Kiwi in need of your donation - no matter how big or small. She has a heart of gold - recently fundraising to put together shoeboxes full of Xmas presents for children & parents on the Waikids surgical ward after being in hospital herself at this time of year.

Sienna's story starts in May '22 - with fluid on the hip, treated as septic hip. She had surgery to drain the fluid, a 10-day stay in hospital, followed by 3 weeks of antibiotics.

Fast forward to November '22, Sienna had intense abdomen pain, and was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. She had many scans & MRI's to find a cause, to no avail and went home 11 days later. But she never came right.. pale, tired and lethargic.

A week later, high test results prompted referrals for a colonoscopy and endoscopy to look for probable causes such as an inflammatory bowel disease. Before her procedure date, she had another Pancreatitis attack. This time it came on faster, with more intensity and the pain was harder to keep under control. She went home 8 days later with no further clues as to what was happening to this otherwise healthy, happy, kind, and energetic girl.

In January '23, Sienna had a scheduled apptmt for multiple scopes to try and find the cause. 10 minutes out of hospital, and the intense pain started again. She was taken back in more pain than ever before and placed on Ketamine and Morphine. More tests... this time, no sign of Pancreatitis. Her pain continued, no pain relief helped and 12 days later she was still in horrific amounts of pain.
It was concluded that Sienna has Chronic Pain Syndrome with no control over the pain signals that her brain is constantly sending to her stomach, despite a concoction of pain relief. In recent weeks she had issues with both knees buckling and hurting.

Sadly there's been no improvement to Sienna's pain. It's time to reach out to private specialists - Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Anti-inflammatory Nutrition Specialists, Contact Care, Osteopaths. One of these is more than $500 just for the consultation.

We can help Sienna today and so can every $1 you donate to change the life of a Kiwi in need



Adam Needs Your Help