This is Katie - another public cause you are helping with your generosity.

Her story starts with chronic eczema, and steroid creams.

However this turned into suffering from a never-ending topical steroid withdrawal cycle, or TSW.

Those who suffer from this will know how debilitating it can be - insomnia, struggling to regulate body temp, fatigue, nerve pain, constant cycles of flare ups, scratching, oozing, drying, and shedding.

Katie has not any luck with local doctors and specialists but through her own research and support groups she has been able to access 'alternative' treatment information that doesn't involve further introductions of steroid cream - the culprit of the cycle.

She has to go through the withdrawal process as part of her healing - a hard journey. But Katie is now 3 months in and Kiwis Together have been able to purchase her a Red Light Therapy tool which penetrates the dermis layer of the skin and treats the organelles beneath to regenerate cells, and strengthen the skins barrier.

"I am so grateful to this charity for providing this tool to help me heal. Having that financial pressure taken off me at a time when I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to hold down my job anymore and take care of my children, that was healing in itself"


An update on Ryder

